E-bike tours in the Lake District

05 September
Author: Langdale Chase

With so much to see in the Lakes, getting out on a bike is one of the best ways to immerse yourself in the landscape during your stay, especially with a little electric boost.

To get you going on two wheels we’ve teamed up with local expert Phil from E Bike Safari’s who provides top of the range e-bikes and tour itineraries for you to enjoy the Lakes at your own pace.

We caught up with Phil to see why the Lake District is the best place for cycling.

What got you into cycling?

I’ve been cycling all my life. I got into triathlons which spurred me on to get my fitness up. I spent 20 years working in Africa in the development sector, and cycling was one of the sports you can do in that environment; I got into trail cycling in Malawi and Zambia. It’s great fun. You can see so much from a bike, cover good ground and get off the busy roads.

man standing beside ebikes and a van with an E bike safari label
man standing beside ebikes and a van with an E bike safari label

Why is the Lake District so good for cycling?

Cycling is as much about appreciating the countryside and the scenery as well as physical health. The Lakes is full of picturesque quiet country lanes and cycle tracks, from which you can fully appreciate the scenery and access all the attractions without the headache of parking.

People may think about the Lakes as being really busy with traffic, but that’s only the main roads. There are so many country lanes that whenever I go cycling I always find new routes to explore. There are also more and more cycle tracks becoming available, such as the west side of Windermere, from Wray Castle to Hawkshead and Coniston, as well as over to the Langdale valleys.

bikes in front of a sign and house in the countryside
bikes in front of a sign and house in the countryside

What would be a great cycling route near Langdale Chase?

From Wray Castle, just on the opposite side of the lake, you can go on lovely cycle paths through fields, passing a few little lakes on the way to Coniston, via Tarn Hows. Then you can head south along the lake to Torver, heading south-west and then north up the Duddon Valley. You’ll join Wrynose Pass over to Little Langdale. Turn left past Blea Tarn over to Great Langdale then down to Elterwater. This is a lovely ride because Duddon Valley and Wrynose is absolutely beautiful. You get quite high, surrounded by fells and there’s very little traffic. You really feel like you’re in the mountains away from everybody.

bike on path in the mountains
bike on path in the mountains

What can you offer our guests?

I love providing a personalised service that people want, on time and to the highest possible quality. I deliver high specification electric bikes to wherever the guest wants to cycle from, whilst providing routes and maps so they can enjoy a stress-free day out in the Lakes. I do everything I can to make sure people have the best time possible. I show people how to use the bikes and the navigation kit, make sure they are comfortable with the suggested routes, provide all the bike accessories they’ll need and then remain on standby in case there are any problems during the course of the day.

In short, I provide a bespoke service for people to get out in the Lakes by e-bike.

For more information on how to book your e-bike safari with Phil, please speak to a member of our team.

bikers biking down a winding path in the mountains
bikers biking down a winding path in the mountains

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